Aesthetics Vercelli | The CIUFFO
Professional Aesthetic Centre in Vercelli
The CIUFF Professional Aesthetics is based in Vercelliand stems from the owner's desire to take care of the wellness and the beauty of men and womenby making available to them quality services carried out by experienced staff and professional. At our beauty centre in Vercelli you will find a variety of facial treatments e body treatments which are carried out using state-of-the-art methodologies and high-quality natural products guaranteeing customised solutions for any imperfection, offering evident results in the short term. Professional Aesthetic Ciuffo specialises in anti-stress, detoxifying, energy massages but also in waxing, pedicure, deep pedicure, manicure, anti-wrinkle treatments, peeling, facial and body treatments and anti-cellulite treatments.
Other treatments available include the advanced beauty treatments such as radiofrequency diode laser hair removalusing state-of-the-art equipment certified Made in Italy.