
Bridal hairstyle: our Bridal Fair

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It has already been almost a year since our last exhibition in Vercelli, the 2013 Sposi fair.
There are many memories I have of this beautiful event, starting with winning 'The most beautiful stand' (which is always a pleasure), and ending with the creations I was able to show, the people I was able to meet and those with whom I was able to consolidate friendships and collaboration.

As some time has already passed, and as I have not had the chance to set up a sort of collection of all the shots of us before, I have decided to put this memory of mine here and share it with you.

The 'femme fatale', the 'dreamer', the 'modern muse' and the 'absolute leading lady' are four of the models of women represented by our hairstyles for brides.
Four visions of elegance with one goal: to make the bride perfect.

I have tried to make each hairstyle unique. Whether you like them very elaborate or simpler, whether you are smooth or curly, don't worry, they suit everyone!
And if you don't have long or voluminous hair, there is a fantastic remedy in this case too: you can lengthen and enrich your hair with soft, natural locks.
But I will have the opportunity to expand on the topic of 'Brides' in the near future, again here on my blog, so for now I will leave you with the photos!

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